Sunday, January 25, 2009

Showers, Sundance and Crafts

This weekend was pretty eventful. I started things out by going to my friend Rachel's Bridal Shower. It was so fun to see her and her reactions to her "bridal" gifts. I don't think I have ever seen her get embarrassed. I love you Rach.
One of the girls gave Rachel some wood cut outs that spelled out "LOVE". This introduced me to my new favorite store, The Wood Connection. I checked out the store after the Shower and it was so awesome. It had everything that you need if you are into crafts for your home. These are a couple of the things I finished this weekend.

Brian and I went up to Park City this weekend to check out Sundance.
Unfortunately, there were no celebrity sitings, but we did see this moose.
We had a such good time. Although, I would recommend going on a night that there are still festivities going on. We apparently missed everything. Oh well it was still fun. We left Sergeant at our friend Rob's house. He has a boxer named, Zoey. Zoey and Sergeant are best friends. Hopefully some day they will make cute babies and make some money. Aren't they a good looking pair?

Friday, January 16, 2009


Ok, I am hoping that someone has had experience with this. My dog, Sergeant has had really bad problems with his ears. He has floppy ears and every time he shakes, he splits the corners of his ears open. Thus resulting in blood splatters everywhere! My house is seriously starting to look like a scene from CSI. I feel bad cause he has had this since August. His ears will not heal! I am so frustrated. I have tried everything I can think of to help him, but nothing is working. I even taped his ears all up with duct tape today out of desperation. Does anyone know how to make his ears heal or how to teach him not to shake? Any tips would be awesome!

Oh by the way I just wanted to thank everyone for their support regarding my job. Still no definite news, but I will let you know when I hear.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Feeling the Economy Woes

I don't know about everyone else, but the whole "economy downturn" has seemed like a lot of nonsense to me. I mean, I hear about it every day, but I guess it has not personally affected me yet, so therefore it doesn't exist? Well the reality finally hit close to home Friday. I was debating as to whether or not I should even write about this, since nothing is "official" yet, but I think writing about it will relieve some stress. I had a meeting Friday to discuss a big meeting that my work is having tomorrow (Monday). Well I honestly did not think too much about this meeting. There were a few things that I knew were going to be discussed, but nothing that I really needed to worry about. That was until my boss told us that right now our region has 4 people that do my job. The company has goals to lower that number to 3 people. Hmm, I wonder who is going to go? My heart sank and I was literally devastated. I have only been at this job since October and I have the least experience out of the group. I am not sure what exactly is going to happen, if anything. All I know is that my job may be drastically changed in the next month-if I even have a job. I was reassured that I may be transferred somewhere else, but there is no guarantee of that. I don't know, like I said, none of this is really official. I don't know what will happen. I just hope it all works out.