Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I think I'm going to throw up!

I just paid off 8000 dollars of school loans. What a sickening, angering relief. Sickening because the things I could buy with 8000 dollars, and angering that school was so expensive! At the same time there is that small amount of relief that I will never have to worry about when I will pay off my loans ever again. Oh gees...I hate being responsible...


Butler Family said...

Ya, .. unfortunatley that day will come for me, yuck.

Mark and Mandi said...

I already miss you...I am sitting here waiting for you to suddenly appear with these strange people! can't wait to see you!!

Dogmom Diva said...

Kellie, think of how freeing having that paid off feels..it's done, and now that its paid you can move forward without that hanging over you all the time...atta girl.