Weight: 23 pounds 10 ounces, 40th percentile
Height: 33.07 inches, 86th percentile
Head Circumference: 18.7 inches, 76th percentile
Averie has changed so much lately. She has moved on from any form of baby phase into full blown toddler. She is one busy little girl. Averie is running everywhere and into everything. She never really hit a stage where she was constantly into everything, that is until now. When I am cleaning the house I am constantly picking up after her and trying to clean up at the same time. It is a never ending cycle. Here is a pic of Averie after playing/destroying her room. She was so exhausted that she crashed afterward.
The best thing Averie has started doing lately is talking and imitating. She will say almost anything now and has started putting words together. She is not saying full sentences yet, but she has started saying phrases like, "Mamma's shoes, He says Raaarrr! My ouch, Hi Baby, Hi Mamma, Hi Daddy, Where's Daddy? Daddy! Daddy! My eyes, etc." She is so much fun. She is able to point out her eyes, ears, nose, tongue, toes, and hair. She loves playing peek a boo and she is really good and hiding and shouting "BOO!" Such a silly girl.
She just loves her Daddy as usual and they have the best time together. She will copy him when he jumps and spins around. She loves to have Daddy Dance Party time and she loves when her dad throws her up in the air.
Averie still loves her Bestie, Sergeant. He is so good with her.
Our little babes is so grown up! She is such a babe.
I love it, they are so similar! But Mckinley is not talking that much. She just does one word at a time. :) I'm so excited for her 18 month check up on Wednesday to see where she's at.
She is SO CUTE! I can't get over the cuteness. Great pictures...she sure does sound like she is taking off into the toddler world! It is such a fun stage. So glad you are enjoying her so much! She really is a cute little gal ;-)
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