Bryken was blessed on May 3rd and I am just a little slow to post about it. It was such a beautiful day and everything just went perfectly. I am such a basket case lately and I was so stressed out about his blessing. I bought his outfit a couple of weeks ago and I thought it would be so cute with a little bowtie. I, of course, waited until the last minute and just wanted to go out and buy one. It proved to be much more difficult than I thought and I couldn't find one that was small enough for him. I went to the Quilted Bear and they did not have any that were white. I finally settled on buying a baby girl's headband and bow. It was the perfect size and it worked as a bowtie. Flash forward to the day before the blessing. Can't find the stupid thing ANYWHERE. I go back to the Quilted Bear and since it is more of a made by hand store, there of course is not another one. Sigh... Luckily I was able to find just a little clip on bow and a separate headband. It worked and I don't think anyone could tell (until now that is). Just look at this handsome little bubba. Blanket is compliments of Cathi Anderson. She makes the most beautiful afghans. His little outfit and shoes are from White Elegance and you know the story behind the bowtie.
I'm really disappointed that I didn't get more pictures on this wonderful day. I really appreciate all of our family that was able to make it that day. Not pictured: Aunt Debbie and Uncle Chuck, Kim and Dan Foster Family, Kelli and John McDevitt Family, AmyLyn and Andy Payne Family, Holly and Ryan Payne Family. I am terrible at running the show and taking pictures as well. Here are some pictures that I did get.
Brian's parents and us
My beautiful family
It was such a beautiful day!
My Parents and Bryken
Daddy and Son
Me and my boy!
I am so grateful for the gospel and the wonderful experiences that we get to have. This day was such a sacred one and I am so glad that Bryken was able to be blessed by his daddy. I will never forget the words that Brian spoke and the spirit that was felt. I am so grateful for such a wonderful family that was able to support us on this day. We truly are blessed and I love you all!